Saturday, 11 February 2012

Pattern me a dress!

With a close friends wedding coming up, I have taken the bold decision to make- well attempt to make myself a dress to wear (just for the record,  I have never made a dress before!!!).

My reasoning for this: Firstly I have always wanted to learn to dress make, secondly I tend to find it difficult process to find a dress I like and that suits me, and finally because it would be nice to have dress that I know is a ‘one off’. However this may be a one off disaster....... Or a new found love......:) I will keep a record of my dress making process, as it might be of help to others -  all positive comments will be welcomed as I may require further support, advice and a whole heap of encouragement!

Above is photo of the pattern I will be following- now just awaiting for fabric and other dress making essentials to be delivered :)


  1. Sure you can do anything you put your mind to. I believe in you. Looks exactly like what you would wear and will suit you. Look forward to the next installment. You go girl!! Good Luck! Love XXOO

  2. Thanks Michelle for encouragement :)
